Beautiful yellow roses brighten up every day. Surprise your loved ones with them and make them happy with your own bouquet of yellow roses.
Bouquet of roses
- Flower size XXL
- Stem length at least 70 cm before processing in the flower shop
- The quality of roses - A1 - the highest
- Minimum number of plants in a bouquet: 7 pcs
- Her eyes shone from the donated bouquet: ✿✿✿✿✿
We receive roses from farmers in Colombia, Ecuador and the Netherlands.
Before you put the bouquet in a vase and take care of it
- Choose a vase high enough. Roses need to have 3/4 of the stem under water.
- Always keep the water clean and cool.
- Change it every two days and clean the vase.
- Immediately after receiving the bouquet and every 2 days, shorten the stems at an oblique cut by 1-2 cm.
You will pay to deliver a bouquet of yellow roses
- Mon-Fri - CZK129.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,200.00.
- On Sat, Sun and public holiday - CZK250.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,200.00.
Prices are flat and valid for all cities and municipalities in the Czech Republic.
Orders with delivery on weekends can be ordered no later than the last working day until 15:00.