For simplicity, we have sorted the bouquets according to price. If you want to deliver only a symbolic flower, click on "Price up to 1000 CZK". If you are looking for a larger puget, go to the "Price 1000-1500 CZK" section. And you will find festive bouquets for delivery in Prague and the Czech Republic in the "Price over 1500 CZK" section.
Free delivery throughout the Czech Republic
Roses of mix colours - design bunch of flowers
from CZK896.00
Free delivery throughout the Czech Republic
White roses - design bunch of flowers
from CZK896.00
Free delivery throughout the Czech Republic
Orange roses - design bunch of flowers
from CZK896.00
Free delivery throughout the Czech Republic
Yellow roses - design bunch of flowers
from CZK896.00
Free delivery throughout the Czech Republic
Magic charm - Lilies of the Netherlands
from CZK942.00
Free delivery throughout the Czech Republic
Delight of life - chrysanthemum, mini gerbera
from CZK989.00
Free delivery throughout the Czech Republic
Why aren´t you wiht us? - funeral bouquet
from CZK999.00