A colorful bouquet will say it for you. Playful as You is an irresistible combination of mini gerberas, solidag, limonia and complementary greenery and easily conjures a smile on your face.
The flowers are of the highest quality A1.
The photo shows a premium-sized arrangement.
The size of the bouquet in the basic size is about 20-25 cm.
The flower gift is intended for occasions for joy, for holidays, thanks ...
We evaluate the joy of the recipient on the basis of our experience: ✿✿✿✿❀
Origin of flowers: Holland and Italy
Flower care
- The bouquet is easy to care for. Nevertheless, it is necessary to shorten the stems (with a knife, scissors ...) before placing them in cold water. And repeat every 2 days.
- Change the water every two days and add plant nutrition. We will add it to your bouquet for free.
- Beware of leaves that would enter the water. Tear them up!
- Place the decoration in a shady place in the room.
Price for delivery of flowers to the address
We will deliver the Playful as you bouquet throughout the Czech Republic. You determine the time zone of 3 hours for the transfer. Couriers deliver to the address 8-20 o'clock.
- You pay CZK129.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,200.00 to import to an address on Mon-Fri.
- The price for flower delivery on Sat, Sun and the national holiday is CZK250.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,200.00.
Prices are flat and valid for all cities and municipalities in the Czech Republic.