You don't have to be able to cast magic to achieve a magical atmosphere. The colorful bouquet Čarovná will take care of that. This combination of roses, gerberas, eustoma, santin and complementary greens is a great gift for any occasion.
Bouquet binding style - one-sided high
The photo shows an arrangement in the premium variant.
The flowers were grown on farms in Colombia, Ecuador, Holland and Italy.
The quality of the flowers is A1 (premium).
The bouquet is suitable for gifts for joy, on the occasion of a holiday, birthday ...
Caring for a bouquet after taking it over
- Immediately shorten the stems by about 1 cm and place the arrangement in a container with cold fresh water.
- Change the water every 2 days and shorten the stems - ideally with an oblique cut.
- Always add cut flower food to the water.
- The decoration must not be in the draft and close to the fruit.
Price for flower delivery
We will deliver the Magical bouquet to an address throughout the Czech Republic.
- You pay CZK129.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,200.00 for imports in Mon-Fri.
- The price for flower delivery on Sat, Sun and public holiday is CZK250.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,200.00.
Prices are flat and valid throughout the Czech Republic. You decide the date and time of delivery. We deliver flowers Mon-Fri at 8 am-8pm in three hour zones.