We miss you is a mourning bouquet consisting of roses, cluster roses, alstroemeria, santini and carnations complemented by green arrangements.
The mourning ribbon is included in the price of the bouquet. Please include the text of the message in the order form. Alternatively, attach a tape color request.
The bouquet in the picture is in the size premium. The flowers are always in full bloom and in first class A1 quality. The plants were imported from Dutch farms.
It may happen that the bouquet will be in altered colours. We always prefer the quality of the flowers to the colour combination.
The drivers bring the funeral decoration to the ceremony in the funeral hall or church and hand it over to the attendants to display it next to the casket.
How to fill out the order form?
In the "To whom we will send flowers" section, indicate:
- field "First and last name" - the name of the deceased
- field "Company" - name of the church, funeral hall - If we send the decoration to a private address, do not fill it out.
- field "Street and no." and "City" - the address of the church/funeral hall
- "Phone" field - your phone number
- field "Text on a card" - write a short text on a ribbon, a longer text on a condolence card
- field "Instructions for us" - the exact time of the start of the ceremony and possibly your other requirements
Price for flower delivery
We deliver funeral decoration We miss you - funeral bouquet throughout the Czech Republic from Monday to Sunday. You determine the driver's arrival time yourself.
- Price for delivery on Mon-Fri - CZK129.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,200.00
- On Sat, Sun and national holiday - CZK250.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,200.00
Prices for flower delivery are flat and valid throughout the Czech Republic. When handing over, the drivers proceed with sensitivity and consideration of the mourning event.